Tuition Assistance

There are two programs available for tuition assistance for St. Lawrence families who send their child(ren) to a parochial school near the parish:

Catholic Grade School Tuition Scholarships

While St. Lawrence parish does not have its own Catholic grade school, we do encourage our families to send their children to Catholic schools in other parishes, or at the nearby Angelus Academy.  The nearby parishes with schools are: St. Louis, St. Bernadette, and St. Mary (Alexandria).

Tuition everywhere is continuously rising, and requires sacrifices for many families to send their children to a Catholic school.  Parishes that have Catholic schools usually offer a lower “in-parish” tuition rate for their own parishioners, while others pay the full “out-of-parish” tuition.  In the interests of promoting Catholic education for our families, St. Lawrence will offer, to those families who qualify, the opportunity to seek a Tuition Scholarship to make up the difference between “In-Parish” and “Out-of Parish” tuition in a Catholic grade school (K-8).  Angelus Academy does not offer an “In-Parish” rate because it is not a parish school.  But a similar Tuition Scholarship will be offered to parishioners who attend Angelus Academy.

In order to qualify, the following criteria must be met:

1. The family must be registered members of St. Lawrence parish.

2. Faithful attendance at Mass on all Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation by the children and parents must be demonstrated.

3. The parents must be faithful in contributing to the financial support of St. Lawrence parish, using the offertory envelope system or Faith Direct.

4. The children may be enrolled in Angelus Academy or in a Catholic parish school (K-8) in the Diocese of Arlington.

5. Children must maintain good Christian behavior and effort in the school. Parents must teach and reinforce the Catholic Faith at home.

6. The parents may need to schedule a personal interview with the pastor of St. Lawrence in order to assess the criteria.

7. The Tuition Scholarship may be revoked if the criteria are no longer met.

Please complete the Tuition Assistance Application Form -Fillable- 2019-2020 or Tuition Assistance Application Form -Hand Printed- 2019-20and return it to the parish office.

Arlington Diocese Tuition Assistance Program

Tuition Assistance from the Arlington Diocese is also available for those who qualify on the basis of financial need.  For more information on this program, click here.  Every parish, including St Lawrence, is assessed by the Diocese for this program.

St. Lawrence Catholic Church
6222 Franconia Road
Alexandria, VA, 22310
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(703) 971-4378
(703) 971-0331
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©2025 St. Lawrence Catholic Church