Do you have children enrolled in public schools?

If you live within the parish boundaries of St. Lawrence, and have school-age children (1st through 12th grade) who do not attend a Catholic school, they should be enrolled in the parish’s religious education program.

If your family is not registered in the parish, click here to register with the parish before you fill out the CCD Registration form.  You must complete this registration form before registering for CCD classes.  New students will also need to provide certificates or copies of all Sacraments received to date.

The CCD classes for St. Lawrence Catholic Church are held on Monday and Wednesday evenings from 7:00 pm to 8:15 pm in Hammond Hall.

For a PDF version, click here:  St. Lawrence Religious Education Registration Form 2024-25 (002) (002)


Fill in the following online CCD Registration Form


***Volunteers are always needed in the Religious Education Program.  If you would like to help, please contact our Interim Director of Religious Education, Joseph Stakem, by clicking here  or calling 703-971-8541***

2023-2024 Calendar for Religious Education

Click here for the Field Trip Permission Form

The History of Confraternity of Christian Doctrine (CCD)

CCD is a Confraternity established by the Church and devoted to providing religious education and instruction for converts and young people who do not have the opportunity to attend parochial schools. The CCD was first established in the 1500s as a result of the reforms of the Church through the Council of Trent (1545-1563). It was intended to improve and offer religious education for young people and adults in Milan who, for various reasons were unable to receive proper catechetical instruction. Much encouragement and leadership for the CCD was provided by some of the greatest figures of the era, including Saints Charles Borromeo, Peter Canisius, Francis de Sales, and Robert Bellarmine. It was also supported by the popes, starting with Pope St. Pius V, who approved the new catechism in 1566.

The modern history of the confraternity dates from 1905 and the reign of Pope St. Pius X (1903-1914). He expanded and renewed its activities, publishing some twenty-one documents on catechesis, although the most important was the encyclical letter Acerbo Nimis (1905). He ordered that the program of instruction be established in every parish, including the directive in the Code of Canon Law of 1917. Its work was affirmed yet again in Christus Dominus, the Decree on the Bishops Pastoral Office in the Church (October 28, 1965), issued by the Second Vatican Council.

The confraternity originates from the various Roman curial congregations concerned with Catholic education, with direction passing to the various organs of the Church on a national level. In the United States, national authority is in the hands of the Division of Catechesis/Religious Education in the Department of Education of the United States Catholic Conference. The program then passes to the diocesan level where, ideally, education is headed by a diocesan director. Click here for the Arlington Diocese Catechetical website. Another fine resource for knowledge of the Catholic faith is  At the parish level, a local director, who is well-trained in catechetical instruction, administers a program.

St. Lawrence Catholic Church
6222 Franconia Road
Alexandria, VA, 22310
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(703) 971-4378
(703) 971-0331
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