Parish Registration

All Catholics living within the boundaries of St. Lawrence parish are encouraged to register with our parish family.  If you live within these boundaries, you are invited to complete the online registration form below.  Please come and join us for the Masses, devotions, Confessions, and other activities.  Click here for the parish Liturgy Schedule.

To register, please complete the online registration form below. When finished, you must click “Submit”.   You will be contacted by our staff if any additional information is required.

Online registration is preferred, but if you are unable to register online, you may also print out the registration form (please print out both pages), complete it, and return it to the parish office.  Registration cards are also available in the vestibule of the church or at the rectory office.  When dropping registration card off, there is a mail slot in office door if you bring it outside of normal office hours.

We would love to meet you and personally welcome you to the parish.

If you are already registered in our parish and would like to update your information with a new email address, new phone number or any other changes, you may provide the information below or click here to send an email to the Parish Registrar, who will update your information.


ONLINE REGISTRATION (Note: All fields with an asterisk must be completed)

St. Lawrence Catholic Church
6222 Franconia Road
Alexandria, VA, 22310
View Directions

(703) 971-4378
(703) 971-0331
Email the Office

©2025 St. Lawrence Catholic Church