Mass Intentions

The intention for each parish Mass is listed in the parish bulletin each week.  If you would like to request a Mass to be said for a particular intention at St. Lawrence Catholic Church, either visit the parish office during the weekday office hours or contact the Parish Secretary (phone: 703-971-4378).  Intentions for Masses are scheduled quickly; if you have a special date, please contact the parish office as soon as possible.

We also support active and retired priests throughout the country and the missions with Mass Intentions that are forwarded to them to offer as soon as their schedule allows.   If you would like to have a special intention offered in this manner, please stop by the parish office, or drop a request in the collection basket at Mass.


Arranging a Mass Intention is a beautiful way to honor our loved ones, living and deceased, or to commemorate a special occasion.    If you would like to have a priest to offer a Mass for your intention here at Saint Lawrence, please come to the rectory office to schedule a specific date and time.   Also, included with your monthly offering envelopes are yellow Mass Intention envelopes which are for unscheduled Masses that are sent to support active and retired priests and mission parishes.  These Masses are celebrated elsewhere.

When a Mass intention is made for repose of the soul of the deceased or for a special intention, the notice published in the bulletin will name the deceased or living person or it will state “Special Intention” if it is a request for something other than a specific person.

We will try to accommodate your request for specific dates, but, in order to give everyone an equal opportunity for specific dates, we generally limit the number of Mass requests to no more than 5 at a time.  We will schedule Masses no further out than one year.

If the date you wish to have a Mass offered is already scheduled, we can send the Mass out to a mission parish or retired priest.  The Mass will be offered by the assigned priest, as soon as their schedule allows, but you will not be able to attend the Mass or know specifically when it will be celebrated.   This option is often more “timely”, as Masses offered at St Lawrence are often scheduled 2-3 months out.

Mass cards are available in the Rectory office if you wish to send a notice that a Mass is being offered.


St. Lawrence Catholic Church
6222 Franconia Road
Alexandria, VA, 22310
View Directions

(703) 971-4378
(703) 971-0331
Email the Office

©2025 St. Lawrence Catholic Church