Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

Ministry Contact: EMHC

Email: office@stlawrencealex.org

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion assist the priests in distributing Holy Communion at Masses when an Ordinary Minister of Holy Communion (priests and deacons) is not available.  In addition, every Sunday after the 9:00 AM Mass, Extraordinary Ministers bring the Holy Eucharist to the sick and homebound of our parish, to pray with them, and to distribute Holy Communion to them.

All Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion serve at the invitation and approval of the Pastor.  If you are interested in serving, please contact us for more information using the “Contact this Ministry” box to the right.

St. Lawrence Catholic Church
6222 Franconia Road
Alexandria, VA, 22310
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(703) 971-4378
(703) 971-0331
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