Share Sunday Weekend January 18/19
Share Sunday, a ministry of the Council of Catholic Women, serves the needy in our parish and through the Koinonia…
Monday, January 20, Federal Holiday
Tuesday – Friday, January 21-24
Use this link to view past events at the parish, including the blessing of our new narthex by Bishop Burbidge!
Share Sunday, a ministry of the Council of Catholic Women, serves the needy in our parish and through the Koinonia…
Hosted by the Knights of Columbus St Lawrence Council #9407, parishioners are invited over to the hall for a great…
EWTN Global Catholic Network now offers an exciting opportunity for FREE on-demand access to a large collection of their Catholic programming…
St. Lawrence Catholic Church
6222 Franconia Road
Alexandria, VA, 22310
View Directions
(703) 971-4378
(703) 971-0331
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