Prayer Shawl Ministry

Ministry Contact: Parish Office

Phone: 703-971-4378


Prayer Shawls are knitted or crocheted into a “Mantle of Prayer” by parishioners for those who are ill or others who are in need of comfort and prayer.

Designs may be very basic or as complex as the knitter would like. If you know how to knit or crochet, we warmly invite you to join our group.  If you don’t know how to knit or crochet, we would be very happy to teach you!  If you would like to be part of this ministry but choose not to knit or crochet, we still have other needs you may enjoy doing.  We also encourage those who would like to participate but are unable to attend meetings.

We encourage the recipients of the Prayer Shawls to turn over their needs to God.  And we pray that they might receive the consolation and peace that only God can give.  The recipient’s name is written in a special prayer book so they may be prayed for continually.  Each Prayer Shawl is blessed by one of our Priests and a prayer is attached.

Prayer Shawls are free and are given to those who are seriously ill or in need of comfort.  For information on joining the ministry or if you know someone who would appreciate having a prayer shawl during illness, please contact us using the “Contact this Ministry” form on the right side.

St. Lawrence Catholic Church
6222 Franconia Road
Alexandria, VA, 22310
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(703) 971-4378
(703) 971-0331
Email the Office

©2025 St. Lawrence Catholic Church